Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tiny Bird

Tiny Bird

Tiny Bird—look at how high you reside and are,
up above the ground that seems so far!

Tiny Bird—do you know nothing of the world?
The wonders it holds? The way it twirls?

Do you know of the stars? The moon or the sun?
Do you know the mystery of man and what he’s done?

Tiny Bird—is the nest you’re tucked in give you all that you desire?
Or do you gaze up at the experienced birds, wishing to be higher?

Do you feel alone? Do you label yourself a misfit?
Does your world know pain? Have you any idea of conflict?

Tiny bird—what are you waiting for? Who told you to sit still?
Who told you what to dream? What to think? What to feel?

Has your tender feelings ever hurt? Your heart ever bruised?
Have you ever been taken advantage of? Mistreated and misused?

Tiny Bird—have you ever looked at your wings? The colors that your feathers possess?
Do you know the reason for them? Do you know their purpose?

Do you resent your fellow flyers? Are you envious of their grace?
Do you wish for another’s flight, waiting to take their place?

Tiny Bird—be brave and take such risk,
to not be settled and limited to only this.

What you want is already yours, if only you believe.
Believe that you can do it too, that the sky is yours to seize.

Tiny Bird—spread your wings and leap with a heart full of faith and hope.
The wind will surely give you comfort and you are fully capable to cope.

Fly Tiny Bird!

Although you’re not tiny at all 
because in the sky,
your destiny,
 you will be hundreds of feet tall!

(RaChelle-Denise McKinney)