Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Accompanied By...

Accompanied By

I am a great fan and follower of literature. I enjoy works of poetry, philosophy, quotes, research; just to name a few.  Books have always been kind to me and the authors are considered those of wisdom and strong passion; some that I have grown to respect very much. My admiration runs deep; it is part of my identity.

There were and are times when words are the only thing that will get me through, it’s the only thing that my soul can process. Some call it an obsession but as a writer myself, I call it one of my passions, one of my loves. With that being said I decided to dedicate this particular to post to some whose beautiful words stuck and still stick to me today.

It just amazes me how a cluster of words can hold such power and meaning.

Honesty and truth in its purest form…

“Every storm is a school.

Every trail is a teacher.

Every experience is an education.

Every difficulty is for your development.”
-Pastor Rick Warren

Life is an opportunity, benefit  from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.”
-Mother Theresa

The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”

“He who possesses most must be most afraid of loss.”
-Leonardo de Vinci

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous 
-Charles Spurgeon

My prayer is that these words of the wise touched a place in you that needed it. I pray that these words in some way brought happiness, insight, hope or courage.

I pray it brought you peace. I pray that these words stick with you and arise in times of trails and tribulation.

My prayer is that you survive your storms and overcome your battles. I pray for your victory.

I pray these words will live through you.

Yours Truly,


Monday, November 11, 2013

Master Builder

Master Builder
Have you ever felt “out of sorts”, “scatter-brained”, or my favorite laymen saying, “out to lunch”?  Well, if you answered truthfully, congratulations and welcome to the club! There’s nothing like the surreal moment when you feel like you have lost the owner’s manual to yourself. Here’s one of my numerous accounts in the 
"Dance of the Ditzy".

Like many of my former post I confess and speak of my journey of self discovery; the hurdles and walls I encounter and the victories and improvements I make.  It’s something that I am highly committed to but it can tend to drive me a little crazy and that’s something I am already overstocked with.

I was lying in bed the other night watching re-runs and I realized that I had no clue what was going on in the program. I had been staring at the screen sure enough, but my concentration was somewhere else. I was engulfed with thought. The basis of my complex and frivolous thinking centered on me thinking about my pure self nature.

Here I was, up at 12:43 am, thinking about my “nature”, this journey toward self discovery knows no limits and importance of sleep. So like any other young adult of this generation with a random thought, I grabbed my phone and goggled. I am a believer in horoscopes and very adamant with standing on Virgo traits; it speaks nothing but the truth about me. But what about my exact birth-day:  September 22. What new things could I learn about myself and apply to my “nature”? Would it speak truth?

I came across a website that did exactly what I was searching for; www. introduced me to the theory of me being a “Master Builder”; of course I read on.

According to “Birthday Personality”, my greatest challenge is learning to relax which is so true; not just relaxing in a physical state but in a mental/emotional state as well; the whole intuitive of searching in the first place gave basis to this.

The way forward is to understand that downtime is not time wasted but time gained because you give yourself an opportunity not just to rest but also to recharge”; I chuckled at this because I do this without understanding the urge to do so and I have been labeled as “spoiled” and “self-centered” but it’s nothing but me being within my nature.

September 22 people tend to be multi-tasked individuals with excellent communication skills and have their own slightly eccentric but wonderfully endearing personal personality which comforted me. I have always been someone who likes to think outside the box and have no lost love by stepping away from the crowd if it meant being true to myself. There is a sense of fear that comes with it because it’s never my intention to step on peoples toes or disrespect in anyway so to know my personality has a trait to be enduring eases that fear of being a nuisance. And I’ve always said that those who can’t handle or deal with me need not apply to enter my life because I know I am a “one of a kind”.

From an early age these people may have felt that they were here for a reason, and this explains their restless urge to constantly challenge themselves and make their mark on the world around them. Whatever it is that they feel called to do, they will follow their vision no matter how disruptive or difficult”; I almost fell to pieces when I strolled past this because it was as if someone had been taking notes of my inner feelings and spirit. My quiet whispers had been heard.  My heart jumped for joy because it was credited just for me, for my date of birth, for my nature.

There was a statement that indicated my ideals of fairness and equality and superior intelligence (their words, not mine) clash with those in authority over me; learning to compromise when necessary with can be difficult but make the transitions to success smoother.  I would be lying if I said I welcomed this with opening arms, to be honest I was mildly offended but the more I let it resonate, the more I realized it was truthful.

My nature isn’t intended to be a “trouble-maker”, which is how I took/take this when it surfaces. My nature isn’t to be “stubborn” or “bull-headed” which I have been characterized to be in the past and present. This trait of mine is something of a “realness radar” if you will, you cannot bullsh*t a bullsh*tter but the truth is sometimes I do have to “play the game”. Yes, it is a very difficult thing for me to do but to know when to pick my battles is something I’ve grown to detect; sometimes it’s just not worth my calling out and confronting.

As fun-loving and outgoing I can be, I do have a tendency to be very anti-social which has thrown many of my friends and acquaintances off; which throws me off. What seems to be very natural for me to spend nights at home, curled up with a good book or watching an intense suspense thriller, declining offers to go out, rubs people the wrong way.  “Anti-social!” they call me. 

Yet there is truth to popular opinion: social isolation is the biggest health risk for September 22 people because it will invite stress, anxiety and depression.  As much as it is in my nature to be alone, my need to be social is just as in my nature if not survival.

I made a commitment right then and there, “I need to get out more because my stress and anxiety has been out of control! I am going to overdose on myself!” I can just hear the whispers and rumors about me being deathly self-centered.

This new information is not my Bible, I will not be waking up with all of this on my brain but it is worthy information and most definitely fed my late night questionable quest to know more about my nature. “I act appropriately on my intuition” my power quote said and I could have not agreed more as I reached over to turn out the lights acting on my intuition to finally fall asleep.

Our inner nature causes us to relate, react and go about a certain way in life. There are acclaims and jeering along the way and plenty of petitions from some to “change our ways” but one can never really change their nature. Do you really believe in influencing a dog to stop barking because it’s annoying and suggest it purr like a cat instead? The suggestion would be preposterous if not downright delirious!

There’s room for error and there’s just as much room for improvement but to submit inner nature to other “suggestions” is such an injustice. It’s injustice to our selves, the people whose lives we are meant to touch and the Universe.

The vast Universe has a job to do.  Where’s the harm in a few extra stars that shine a little differently that the others?

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” 
–Carl Jung

Yours Truly,

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Self-Discipline a Must...

Self-Discipline a Must….
       As a woman, I know all too well the many “check-lists” that we create mentally, many without trying and others done with extreme thought and consideration. For instance, on my “Perfect Other” checklist he has to be a tasteful smooth dresser and practice good hygiene; he has be educated, respectful, funny and can deal with my bossy yet lovable personality.
 I mean, compromising is done out of love. Those are just a few boxes that have to be checked in order for him to advance; sad but true. It is a highly-qualified job, I mean—position.

       Then there are other mental checklists that lounge about: make-up (eyebrows must be identical, multiple applications of mascara, highlighter, lips looking desirable, etc.); wardrobe (no wrinkles allowed, no unflattering bulges or lumps, accessories must compliment look, etc.); scenery (everything goes in its right place, no disorganization, clean, neat, etc.)---just to give you an idea as to the endless check boxes that wander about within my mind in effort to satisfy my, what seems to be, impossible high expectations.

       I will admit that these check-lists are extremely superficial, one of my personality traits that I try to catch before spiraling out of control and could contribute as to why I am currently single, stubborn and extremely picky. I am entitled to be picky but then again, what would I be if I weren't just as picky about myself, my inner self? That my friend is what is known as a textbook hypocrite and through out much reflection and self checking I've found myself to be. 
Oh the shame!

       I am dissatisfied with the following empty check boxes: highly financially stable, manages time well, non-procrastinator, not easily stressed. If I were interviewing myself to live my life I would laugh in my face and point out the many qualifications listed that I was so painfully lacking. “Thank you for coming in, we will keep in touch” I would pleasantly say while motioning to the exit. 
Silly rabbit!

       I know the precedent is a bit extreme but it’s a colorful and creative way to admit that I am disqualified due to me being such astray from the most requested if not most crucial qualification: Self-Discipline.

       Self-discipline is paramount to me missing the rest of the high expected competences; it’s what keeps me from advancing to the next level.

        I do not believe that seeing potential in oneself is arrogant although it can cross the line into narcissism. The very fine line that separates is seeing the flaws along with the potential. 
Being able to say, “Yes, I believe I can be and do better than my present but I have a lot of work to do in order to achieve it” keeps one from living in a self-centered disillusion. 
With that said, I have much work to do and ahead of me in order for that inner check list to be done.

       So the question is why don’t I practice self-discipline more often? Why can’t I be stern with myself; because as beneficial as doing such would be, it’s one of the hardest things to do as an adult. Instead of being a big girl and doing what I should, no matter how less desirable it is, I do what I call justifying and giving bull infested reasons to my subconscious; me being the child looking at the floor and my subconscious being the mother with hands on hips.

       The older and more self aware I get the more disappointed and angrier I am with myself when I see the lack of self-discipline displayed throughout my actions. That once incapacitating pride I possessed is diluted by the desire to become a woman with strong and authentic character born out of hard work.

        Wanting to be a better person first requires the admission that there are things about us we don’t like, we don’t want to be. Shining light on the ugly truth that we prefer to keep hidden in the corner is the first step into growing past it. Indeed there is pain in some of the hidden hence it being hidden in the first place. I have had firsthand experience and look at the halt of personal growth being in denial can cause. It’s an entrapment that only oneself can navigate out of; terrified and all.

        So as many check-lists as I conjure up to be noted of and carried out among others to feed my high expectations, it’s only fair and now time for me to take what I dish out which will only give strength if not more credit to being and becoming a woman of my word. #WorkInProgress

“Always choose the harder right over the easier right”
- Anonymous

Yours Truly,