Tuesday, July 1, 2014

No Explanation Is Needed

No Explanation Is Needed


A question I’ve been familiar with and always in search to answer.
“How come?”

A nagging sensation that has the ability to spread at rapid speed like cancer.

“What does it all mean?”

A repeatable question, desiring each time a different response.

“Make it make sense!”

A high priority request to be meet at all costs.

Observing and releasing pieces of the truth because the whole truth isn’t popular. The whole truth can be ugly. The ugly can be risky, so I chose not to bother.

But it all became too much, the truth began to have holes; providing answers and explanations that sounded good when truthfully I didn’t know.

The lies became the truth; the truth became the lies. Going forward with full speed, knowing the whole time I am driving blind. Racing to avoid the questions that outweigh the knowledge; trying to keep my balance on a foundation I’ve claimed to be solid.

“Why go through all the trouble, constantly fighting with paranoia and fear?”

Because releasing the admission “I don’t know” into the universe is something I’d always dreaded to hear. So I set myself on autopilot to always fix it and have it together; instead of admitting I was lost, faking it was easier and seemed better. Causing more harm than good; avoiding instead of accepting. Stuck in a routine of “making it look easy” when it couldn’t have been more perplexing!

“Answer the question!”

An imperative demand as if I am on trial; warning me with high alert to not say the wrong thing that will forever be kept on file.

How I OBJECT to it all!

I can no longer stand to be cheated! I will no longer be a slave to the never ending questions that have been heeded, planted and seeded. No more politics running the show. I rebel!

Let the record show, I will no longer feel intimidated by the self-entitled questions when I respond:

“No Explanation Is Needed.”



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