Saturday, March 22, 2014

"She's So Fake"

“She’s So Fake”

Contrary to belief, I don’t like bringing up things from the past. I’ve worked really hard at “accepting, processing, and letting go” some trivial phases and moments in my life. I know it may not look it but my life hasn’t been all make-up, pose, and model-model. I have stories, bruises and still some open wounds due to “life”, it hasn’t always been “pretty”, believe me.
But in part of growing up, realizing and wanting more in life, I have to let the past be actually what is. It happened, its part of my life, but it isn’t my whole life and I choose to live; one of my many missions in life. With that being said, let me direct this conversation in a more “let’s be real” level. Here me out.
It’s no secret that I take full advantage of social media. I have multiple accounts that I update on very much tried regular basis. Beautylish: @bmynroe ; Facebook: RaChelle-Denise; Instagram: @bmynroe Twitter: @BMynroe; Tumblr: @bmynroe and YouTube: @BMynroe (in the making).
 I do have others that are under construction but it would literally take a personal assistant to start, monitor, and update them all. I am only one woman, who is beginning to build her own foundation and dare I say, brand.
I honestly do work hard, some may think it’s just a game and I can understand how I can make it look easy and care-free--- it’s part of the brand and image. I do it well, I must say so myself.
In updating and checking my accounts yesterday I couldn’t help but be drawn to this picture that I just honestly took on a whim. I had come home from work and had gotten into my “house clothes”, braided up my hair because I wasn’t planning on doing anything more. And while lying in the middle of my bed, watching a re-run of “Family Guy”, playing on my phone, I just decided to snap a picture of me “candid”.  I was bored with no plans. The camera becomes my toy. It’s crazy but it’s the truth, don’t judge.

The Picture in Question

I may be labeled an “anti-social” person on a personal level but I do know how the public and media are done and handled. I studied it in school, so I put myself in the general public’s view and I begin to question and really analyze the picture. I am part of the social world, looking to make a name for myself, so I would be a fool not to put my knowledge to work and begin revising myself.
 And in doing so I began to see an image and message that could be portrayed: FAKE AS HELL!
I was so surprised at how much this picture could be mistaken. It truly was “lost in translation”.
“Are people really supposed to believe that I am bored looking like "this"? Are people really supposed to be buying that? No wonder people may think I’m fake! It makes me look so full of shit!”

I get it, I do. But let me assure you that EVERYTHING that I do, post, and talk about is real. I don't put on a show for people. I just live MY life and I enjoy sharing it with others. May it be that I gain an audience by it with my many endeavors: blogging, make-up, teaching, writing—fantastic! Because aside from personal goals it means that I  have put my much-deserved Journalism degree to use. It has not been in vain.
 The truth is yes, this picture is me after a long day of work, looking like this; bored. No show.
This is not directed to anyone in particular, it's just something that I have observed myself. And if I can see it, I know others can. So for more of a personal reason, I wanted to acknowledge and address that.
I understand I can come off as fake and phony, I do. But I assure you I am real and genuine with everything I do. I may come off superficial. I will admit that I have some extreme superficial characteristics and some narcotic tendencies. It’s the ugly truth. I may be pretty but I’m far from perfect. At the end of the day, I am very much a flawed human. And I use this social media account to express and show that because if I don’t tell my side of the story, there would only be lies.

Yours Truly,
