Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I Pray

I Pray
I quiet myself,
I fight off the voices that seem to overcrowd.
They are not welcomed here,
their protest and hassling isn't allowed.
I block out my falsified justification,
I slowly let down the walls that I allow to close me in.
It’s now time to let the rare listening to happen,
it’s time to let the anonymous prayers to begin.
The eyes of my soul search my heart for words I've yet to know.
I search for situations of people and things that life has yet to show.
I pray for mercy to be given to others
and for forgiveness to come their way.
I pray that strength and peace is given in times of what may.
I pray for those who have done wrong and refuse to acknowledge they did.
Prayer for those who walk with much pride,
those who let their self-worth go to the highest bid.
I pray for those who have lost their way
and have no desire to make it right.
I pray for those who fight inner demons quietly,
late into the night.
There are people who hurt, struggle and can’t breathe
because of the weight that they carry.
Some have shut down and closed off,
resistant in sharing.
There are emotions that run high,
there are roaming doubts so strong.
I pray for their progressive healing
and the act of letting go to come along.
I pray for the pasts of others and I pray for their future,
and the people in wait.
I pray for a better outcome in their present
and if needed, a better turn in their fate.
I ask myself,
Why do you pray for people whom you barely, if at all, know?
I ask myself,
Why do you pray for people whose gratitude don’t and probably will never show?
It’s because it’s my duty,
as a human with a soul.
To strive and find happiness and peace despite it all is the goal.
I pray for others
because I know too, the hardships of this world.
And I pray
that someone, anyone is praying for me,
this one whimsical girl.


(RaChelle-Denise McKinney)

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